August 26, 2012

If you're 25

You have probably

1. Discovered your ex-boy/girl friend's wedding pictures on facebook

2. Realised how much damage you have done to your body in younger days (you might have also tried to go off alcohol and cigarettes for a week!)

3. Been to the gym, left it and joined it again

4. Discovered your friends' sudden interest in cooking and taking pictures of food to put up on facebook

5. Heard your friends say 'Still? Why? When will you Stop?' when you tell them about the new MA/Mphil/PhD course you've joined

6. Understood words like 'manglik' 'double manglik' 'shani-rahu-ketu' and ideas about marrying and divorcing trees

7. Dealt with the fact that you'll be 26 soon and maybe it doesn't really matter anymore

8. Lost hope of falling in love if you haven't already

For more information on this crucial age please read THIS

Thank you

Lots of love

Miss 25 going on 26!

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